The Best Green Smoothie – For Beginners

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The Best Green Smoothie – For Beginners

Green smoothie or a tropical cocktail drink? Hard to tell!

To be honest, green smoothies were never appealing to me and the idea of “drinking” veggies is something that would have never crossed my mind. But as I am more and more into adopting a healthier diet, the idea of getting so many nutrients out of one drink is something I am interested on. Specially the fuss-free blendingalltogether part.

I switched my breakfast to smoothies and smoothie bowls almost a year ago. In Singapore I have a good 30-40 minutes commute to get to the office and I like to sleep (a lot), so I needed something quick and filling that I could make in the morning.  I have them almost everyday as they are so quick to make, nourishing and quite filling.  I will share some of my favorite recipes in another post (here), but let’s go green now, shall we?

My first green smoothie attempt included the fruit I had on the fridge that day, coconut water, a handful of spinach and a teaspoon of the Alkalising Greens.  So easy and quick and turned out to a favorite recipe just like that.

Let me tell you that if I added some gin or vodka it could totally make as a tropical cocktail drink – and kill the whole healthy drink purpose also-. But the similarity with a tropical smoothie drink that you could get lying down at some white sand beach in an exotic destination is quite shocking. I did not expect it to be so good!

The taste is sweet and fruity, so refreshing and delicious that you would not taste the spinach or the alkalising greens at all -I know, I heard this before and did not believe it, but it is true!-No grass taste. Promised.

This drink is perfect as a mid-morning snack, as it is not very filling. I think next time I will add a banana also to make it last longer in my tummy.

If you are new to this healthy green smoothie world like me and are as afraid of the veggie taste as I am, test out this recipe and let me know how it goes. I’m 100% sure that you will love it!


1 pineapple slice

1 medium peach or 2 small ones (I used frozen)

1 cup of coconut water

1 handful of spinach

1 teaspoon of Alkalising Greens

Blend everything together and enjoy!